Thursday, August 19, 2010

My Voice - Tree Hugger

I know this may offend my more conservative friends and acquaintances, but yes, I am a tree hugger. I did it yesterday as a matter of fact.

Yesterday, I wanted to get out of the house, walk a little, shake off the lingering affects of the anesthesia, and spend some time alone with God. So while Annie went to the gym, I had her drop me off at 5 mile in lower Bidwell Park and then pick me up at One-Mile when she was done. While walking through the park, I loved hearing the creek babble, rush through rapids and then quiet down in its calm holes. I kept thinking of how all creation cries out to praise God. Big Chico Creek was doing his part yesterday. Then, I started to notice the trees, the majestic valley oaks that lined the path I was on. They are giant, ancient trees. I came to one tree along the path, about 30 feet from the edge of the creek, a couple miles into lower park. It was the biggest tree I had seen. It was probably 100 feet tall and over 20 feet around at its trunk. I know, because it took me more than three arm length hugs to reach all the way around. I was so intrigued by the size and majesty of the tree, that after hugging it, I sat at it's base and read for a while.

While I was reading, I was reminded of the verses in Jeremiah 17:7-8 and Psalm 1:2-3. They say that God blesses those who place their comfort and trust in Him, who follow God's word. It says, "They are like trees planted along a riverbank, with roots that reach deep into the water. Such trees will not be bothered by the heat or worried by long months of drought. Their leaves stay green and they go right on producing delicious fruit." So God is telling me that as I place my trust, hope, comfort in Him and follow His word that I become like the majestic oak in Bidwell Park. I am strong, not easily shaken, heat and drought resistant and a producer of fruit. This summer has been a challenge for me to keep my trust and hope in the Lord with all that has been going on. Every day I have to be reminded that God is in control and that He has a plan and loves me no matter how the finances or the vocal cords end up. I place my hope and trust in God, because He is worth trusting and hoping in. I want to be like the tree planted by the riverbank that is strong and keeps producing fruit in spite of adversity.

I think God was a tree hugger, too. Later in the day, I was reading from Isaiah, and God says that Israel is going to be restored and they will be "planted like strong and graceful oaks for His own glory." I was reminded that I do not want to be an oak of trust and hope for my gain, but for God's glory. Yesterday, I was reminded of creation calling out to God's glory as I walked through the park. This morning, I remember that God says, I am the masterpiece of His role is to cry out to the glory of God!! So go hug a tree this morning, and think about where your trust and hope have been placed. Be like the tree near the riverbank, whose trust is in the Lord and is unaffected by the worries and adversity of life, but grow strong and produce fruit to the glory of God.

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