Wednesday, August 11, 2010

My Voice - Choosing Life

I've been reading Deuteronomy the past few weeks and am going to preach through when I get my voice back...hopefully in September. As the book of Deuteronomy closes, Moses pleads his people to obey God, follow Him into the promised land and mostly he pleads them to "choose life". He want his people to choose the life of following God, of trusting and obeying the plan that God has. Moses knows that the only life is the life God provides.

I keep learning this truth deeper. I see ads all the times that talk about life, "the high life", "living the life", etc...I want to learn to live real life, the kind that Jesus can give, that comes from following God, trusting and obeying his purposes and plans. Jesus says, "if we try to keep our lives, we will lose it. But if we give up our lives for Jesus, we will find TRUE LIFE." We hold so tightly to our lives, our dreams, our fears, our hopes, our failures...we hold tightly to ourselves and miss true life. I want to lose "me" and find a deeper meaning of TRUE LIFE. It is found in pursuing God, following the teaching and example of Jesus. Life, Jesus style, is risky, dangerous, selfless, and totally fulfilling and real.

Today, I am trying to grasp a hold of Jesus with both hands, which require me to let go of myself. Only then can I "Choose Life". Friends, I hope you will heed Moses' words and "choose life" by following God in all of your life.

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